Popov Manor House is a valuable architectural monument of the 19th century, located in the Vasylivka district of the ZaporizhiaOblast (the city of Vasylivka). This is a full-fledged complex consisting of parks and palaces where the Popov family lived. The lands on which the complex was built were given as a present to General Vasyl Popov by Catherine II. At that time,numerous Cossack farms were located there.

The Manor House was built in the 19th century by the general's grandson, VasylPavlovych Popov. Among the architects who were responsible for the project is Alexander Ageenko. The process lasted for twenty years, during the period from 1864 to 1884. Red brick, which was produced at Popov's factories, was used for construction. The complex was owned by the family until the October Revolution in 1917.

The historical and architectural museum-reserve “Popov Manor House”consists of the several buildings, including a stable, western, eastern and northern wings, a carriage barn, an observation tower and a palace. In addition, all buildings are surrounded by a picturesque park. By the end of the 1980s, only the tower, the western wing, the stables, and several other buildings had survived. Some of the buildings were dismantled in the 1930s.

There is a museum in the building of the northern wing. The first visit to all the premises was allowed in January 2022. In February, the museum's collection was replenished with a unique ancient Austrian bronze piano of the 19th century.

Having invaded Ukraine, Russian troops did not miss this place. On March 7, 2022, the Manor House was shelled, which resulted into the severe damages of the stable building. On March 13, the occupiers destroyed the windows and all of the inside property of the Manor House, as well as looted it, having stolen everything valuable. Among the looted exhibits is an old marble toilet, which, according to VladislavMoroko (the head of the regional department of culture), was stolen for the second time. This was done for the first time by the Bolsheviks, although after some time the exhibit was returned to the Manor House.

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